The Official Selection (54 films) will be screened in Vienna, Budapest and some of them in Bratislava and Esztergom.
In Vienna (Amerling Cultural Center), Budapest (Cirko-Gejzir Cinema), Bratislava (Pivnica, Klubová scéna pre Devín) and Esztergom (Kaleidoszkóp Ház) you can watch movies in a pleasant, friendly environment. In Vienna and Bratislava free donation, free tee, coffee, soft drinks, fruits, cookies etc. for movie viewers).
The films will be screened with English subtitles.
Screenings dates and venues:
20-22 September, Kulturzentrum Spittelberg im Amerlinghaus - Stiftgasse 8., Vienna
23-24 September, Pivnica, Klubová scéna pre Devín - Kremeľská 36, Bratislava
24 September, Kaleidoszkóp Ház, Esztergom
26-30 September, Cirko-Gejzir Cinema - Budapest, Balassi B. u. 15-17., Budapest
The detailed program is coming soon...